Using the maximum Mutual Information criterion to textural Feature Selection for satellite image classification

TitleUsing the maximum Mutual Information criterion to textural Feature Selection for satellite image classification
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsKerroum, M. A., Hammouch A., Aboutajdine D., & Bellaachia A.
Series TitleComputers and Communications, 2008. ISCC 2008. IEEE Symposium on
ISBN Number1530-1346 VO -
KeywordsCooccurrence Matrix, LDA, mutual information, PCA, Satellite Image Classi- fication, SVM, Textural Feature Selection

This paper presents and evaluates the use of the maximum mutual information criterion to textural feature selection for satellite image classification. Our approach is based on a recent work of Mutual Information Feature Selector Algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is evaluated on real data. In fact, the textural features are extracted using the cooccurrence matrix from two forest zones of SPOT HRV(XS) image in the region of Rabat, Morocco. The experimental tests of this study prove that the proposed approach gives a better performance for satellite image classification than classical methods such as principal components analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). The classifier used in this work is the support vectors machine (SVM).