Leaf flavonoid content in Quercus ilex L. resprouts and its seasonal variation

TitleLeaf flavonoid content in Quercus ilex L. resprouts and its seasonal variation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsBrossa, R., Casals I., Pintó-Marijuan M., & Fleck I.
ISBN Number0046800802895
Keywordsá, á hplc, chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll fluorescence á flavanols, esi, flavanols, flavonol-hexosides, flavonol-hexosides á holm oak, Holm oak, HPLC–ESI–MS/MS, ms

Here, we provide the first report on flavonoid content in holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) leaves, analyzed by HPLC–MS/MS. Flavanols and flavonols were the predominant groups, although proanthocyanidins and many soluble tannins had a relevant presence in all leaf samples. Seasonal variation of flavonoids was determined in extracts from Q. ilex leaves during resprouting after a forest fire in two Mediterranean forests. Similar seasonal trends were observed over 2 years during the two main stress seasons (winter and summer). The most abundant flavonoid was the flavanol epicatechin, which showed similar values during the two seasons. Hexosides of the flavonols, quercetin, kaempferol and rhamnetin showed considerably higher content in winter, especially at the lowest temperatures. These variations in both forests are discussed on the basis of the chlorophyll fluorescence results obtained. Anthocyanins were found practically absent in mature leaves. Nutrient or water availability differences between sites or seasons were not related to changes in leaf flavonolhexoside content.