Crepidotus eucalyptinus and Simocybe haustellaris: two uncommon species found in Central Spain

TitleCrepidotus eucalyptinus and Simocybe haustellaris: two uncommon species found in Central Spain
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsBandala, V. M., Montoya L., & Esteve-Raventos F.
KeywordsCrepidotaceae, taxonomy, wood-inhabiting fungi

Crepidotus eucalyptinus and Simocybe haustellaris were collectedtogether from a Quercus ilex subsp. ballota forest in Central Spain(Guadalajara Province). Collections of both species are described andtheir taxonomically distinctive microscopic characters are illustrated.The superficial similarity between these two brown-spored taxa isdiscussed as well as the taxonomic status of the former withinCrepidotus and the close affinity of the species with Naucoriadecolorata from Morocco and Spain.