Considerations on ethics and animal welfare in extensive pig production: Breeding and fattening Iberian pigs

TitleConsiderations on ethics and animal welfare in extensive pig production: Breeding and fattening Iberian pigs
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsTovar, M.a. Aparicio, & Giraldo J. D. Vargas
JournalLivestock Science
Keywordsanimal welfare, breeds, ethics, extensive pig production, outdoor

The extensive pig production in Spain is traditionally characterised by: the use of the Iberian pig, an autochthonous breed perfectly integrated into the environment in which they have developed; a long duration of the productive cycle for about 23– 24 months; a high level of animal welfare level, specially in the fattening process with freedom of movement and feeding base on natural sources: acorns and grass, and an equilibrated “dehesa” agro-forestry system where this activity has been developed. Nowadays, the introduction of more intensificated methods due to the increasing demand led to important changes, such as: the shortening of the productive cycle (10–12 months); freeing from the territorial base; changes during the fattening period, fattening with mixed feed and less animal freedom. All these facts may implicate a loss of the animal welfare condition. These circumstances lead us to question it from an ethical point of view.