SSR Markers for Quercus suber Tree Identification and Embryo Analysis

TitleSSR Markers for Quercus suber Tree Identification and Embryo Analysis
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsGÓMEZ, A., Pintos B., Aguiriano E., Manzanera J. A., & Bueno M. A.
JournalJournal of Heredity
Keywordshaploid embryos, identification (PG), Quercus suber, SSR markers

Three Quercus simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from nuclear DNA extracts of trees and in vitro-induced haploid embryos from anther cultures of Quercus suber L. These markers were sufficiently polymorphic to identify 10 of 12 trees located in two Spanish natural areas. The same loci have been analyzed in anther-derived haploid embryos showing the parental tree allele segregation. All the alleles were present in the haploid progeny. The presence of diverse alleles in embryos derived from the same anther demonstrated that they were induced on multiple microspores or pollen grains and they were not clonally propagated. Also, diploid cultures and mixtures of haploid-diploid tissues were obtained. The origin of such cultures, either somatic or gametic, was elucidated by SSR markers. All the embryos showed only one allele, corroborating a haploid origin. Allelic composition of the haploid progeny permitted parental identification among all analyzed trees.