Genetic variation in central and marginal populations of Quercus suber L.

TitleGenetic variation in central and marginal populations of Quercus suber L.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsJimenez, P., Agundez D., Alia R., & Gil L.
KeywordsGenetic Variation, isolation, isozymes, marginal populations., Quercus suber

Eighteen spontaneous populations of cork oak (Quercus suber) from Spain (14), Portugal (1), Morocco (1) and Italy (2), were surveyed at 14 loci from 12 enzyme systems. Percentage of polymorphic loci (64%), mean number of alleles (2.07), and mean expected heterozygosity (0.158) values were within the ranges described for the genus. Populations from the central range of the species and from peripheral areas were evaluated, and differences between these two kinds were assessed. Significant lower diversity (number of alleles and expected heterozygosity) was found for the most isolated and small size populations in contrast to central forests, showing the existence of mechanisms maintaining the levels of diversity even in some ;isolated stands. Interpopulation diversity (F-st) is 3.3%, indicating extensive gene flows or recent postglacial expansion. A possible recent bottleneck is detected in two populations by comparing actual with expected heterozygosity from the number of detected alleles.