Feruloyl Esters of ω-Hydroxyacids in Cork Suberin

TitleFeruloyl Esters of ω-Hydroxyacids in Cork Suberin
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsGraça, J., & Pereira H.
JournalJournal of Wood Chemistry and Technology
KeywordsCork, ferulic acid, Feruloyl esters, GC-MS (voyant), suberin

Feruloyl esters of ?-hydroxyacids were found in the alcoholysis products of suberin from Quercus suber cork. Their identification was made from mass spectra and by comparison with synthetic model compounds. The co-hydroxyls of suberinic hydroxyacids are thought to be the ester-bonding points between suberin aliphatics and associated aromatics.