Modelling leaf gas exchange in holm-oak trees in southern Spain

TitleModelling leaf gas exchange in holm-oak trees in southern Spain
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsInfante, J. M., & Damesin C.
JournalAgricultural and Forest …
Pagination203 - 223
Date Published1999///
Keywordscarbon dioxide assimilation, Drought, leaf gas exchange, oak savannah, photosynthesis model, Quercus ilex

This paper presents a mechanistically based C3 leaf CO2 assimilation model linked with an empirical stomatal model to simulate Quercus ilex leaf net photosynthesis and transpiration in oak-savannah ecosystems of southern Spain. The model estimates (time integration) daily and seasonal changes in carbon ®xation, transpiration, and water use ef®ciency of a single leaf in free air. Simulations were carried out on two trees for a dry year. Results shown in our study demonstrate that the modelling approach, compared to ®eld measurements, provides a realistic description of diurnal and seasonal patterns of leaf gas-exchange response to different environmental conditions, and as affected by water availability