Long term effects of naturally elevated CO 2 on mediterranean grassland and forest trees

TitleLong term effects of naturally elevated CO 2 on mediterranean grassland and forest trees
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsKörner, C., & Miglietta F.
Keywordscarbohydrates, Global change, leaf nitrogen, natural-co2 springs, photosynthesis

We investigated the carbon supply status in species-rich mediterranean plant communities growing in a bowl-shaped 1-ha "CO2 spring" area near Sienna, Italy. A geothermic "lime-kiln" has provided these communities, for as long as historical records are avail- able, with pure CO2 that mixes with ambient air at canopy level to daytime means of 500-1000 ppm CO2. Immediately outside the spring area similar plant com- munities are growing on similar substrate, and in the same climate, but under ca. 355 ppm CO2. We found no evidence that plants in the CO2 spring area grow faster, flower earlier or become larger. However, we found very large differences in tissue quality among the 40 species studied inside and outside the spring area. Depending on weather conditions, the mean concentra- tion of total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC, sugars and starch) in leaves of herbaceous plants was 38-47% higher in the spring area. Fast growing ruderals growing on garden soil inside and outside the spring area show the same response. Among trees, leaves of the deciduous Quercus pubscens contain twice as much TNC inside as outside the vent area, whereas evergreen Q. ilex leaves show no significant difference. TNC levels in branch wood paralleled leaf values. TNC in shade leaves was also higher. Elevated CO2 had no effect on the sugar fraction, therefore differences in TNC are due to starch accumulation. Leaf nitrogen concentration decreases under elevated CO2. These observations suggest that the commonly reported TNC accumulation and N depletion in leaves growing under elevated CO2 are not restricted to the artificial condi- tions of short-term COz enrichment experiments but persist over very long periods. Such an alteration of tissue composition can be expected to occur in other plant communities also if atmospheric COz levels con- tinue to rise. Effects on food webs and nutrient cycling are likely