Morphological adaptions of Quercus ilex leaves in the Castelporziano forest

TitleMorphological adaptions of Quercus ilex leaves in the Castelporziano forest
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsGratani, L., Marzi P., & Crescente M. F.
JournalPlant Ecology
KeywordsMacro and microclimate, Morphological leaf analysis, Quercus ilex L., Soil, Sun and shade leaves

The annual course of vegetative growth of the most representative species of a Ouercus ilex L. forest in Castelporziano (Latium, Italy) was studied through periodical analysis of selected ecophysiological leaf indexes, for the period 1987-1990. The results demonstrate that the local climate facilitates continuous vegetative activity of the sclerophyllous species without a latent phase. The variable morphology of sun and shade leaves of (2- ilex illustrates the plant's response to environmental stress.