Processus dynamiques de reconstitution dans la série du Quercus ilex en Corse

TitleProcessus dynamiques de reconstitution dans la série du Quercus ilex en Corse
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1981
AuthorsAllier, C., & Lacoste A.
JournalPlant Ecology
KeywordsDiachronic study, Permanent plots, Quercus ilex series, Transects

The use of permanent plots in representative sites of various phytosociologically defined stages of the Quercus ilex series in N W Corsica allows us to analyse the natural dynamical process occurring in the development sequence. The regular floristic analysis of stands and transects (mainly using a linear cover measure) during 5 yr not only shows variations of composition and structure but also results in a diachronic understanding of the temporal relations between the stages. The study of forest plots (structure, n u m b e r and development of seedlings) enables us to generalize the principle of ponctual and cyclic self-transformation of climatic and subclimatic stages.