Afinidades bióticas entre encinares ibéricos en función de sus taxocenosis de acrídidos (Insecta, Orthoptera).

TitleAfinidades bióticas entre encinares ibéricos en función de sus taxocenosis de acrídidos (Insecta, Orthoptera).
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsPresa, J. J., Clemente M. E., HERNÁNDEZ A., & García M. D.
JournalBoln. Asoc. esp. Ent.
Keywordsholm oak forests (PG), orthopterocenosis

Orthopterocenosis from eight oak forests of the Iberian Peninsula are analyzed and compared. Two groups of biotopes are stablished: iberian-atlantic and iberian-mediterranean. Carrascal of Font Roja is excluded and reamins isolated, with a very low similarity index value with the other oak forests, because its peculiar characteristics. Use of orthopterocenosis in order to characterize specific biotopes is proposed