FORESTACIÓN CON CUATRO ESPECIES (Quercus coccifera L., Q.faginea Lam., Q. rotundifolia y Q. suber L.) DE FRONDOSAS EN EXTREMADURA P.M.

TitleFORESTACIÓN CON CUATRO ESPECIES (Quercus coccifera L., Q.faginea Lam., Q. rotundifolia y Q. suber L.) DE FRONDOSAS EN EXTREMADURA P.M.
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsVázquez, F. M., Suárez M. A., TORRES E., & CUEVAS S.
Series TitleII Congreso Forestal Español
KeywordsAfforestation, coccifera, Extremadura, faginea, Quercus, rotundifolia, suber, sylvicuIture

The principal species of interest in order to form forests of mediterranean type (not of riverside) in the South half of the Iberian Peninsula are the genus Quercus L ones. In this work the outputs contrasted of development are introduced, 1 root and systems of protection utilized in a mixed afforestation with four species of the cited genus (Q. coccifera L., Q. faginea Lam., Q. rotundifolia Lam., Q. suber L.), in Extremadura (Spain). The analysis of the data offers different strategies in sylviculture for the forest recuperation of the zone in function of the species that utilize