eLTER PLUS organizes a workshop on eLTER data tools in Lyon, France on 6-10 February open to anyone

This workshop will focus on several data collection, analysis and visualization tools that have been developed in the context of eLTER. The workshop is aimed at researchers, administrators and technicians who are involved in a eLTER projects, or long-term ecological research. The workshop programme includes technical activities, and potential participants should have a background in spatial and/or statistical software. Thus, a basic knowledge of R and python will help to get the most out of the workshop. The format for this workshop will be “hands-on”, such that each participant will learn to use all of the tools using his/her laptop. Sufficient time will be dedicated to each tool to allow participants to install software and work with the tools, and also incorporate data from their own eLTER sites. We will also visit Yzeron catchment as an example of eLTER Site.
The tools to be included:
1. DataLabs: A collaborative platform for scientists to share data, work, code and more. https://datalab.datalabs.ceh.ac.uk
2. DEIMS – SDR: Dynamic Ecological Information Management System - Site and dataset registry, to discover long-term ecosystem research sites and what is measured on them. https://deims.org
3. ReLTER: an R package that provides access to DEIMS-SDR, allowing it to interact with software implemented by eLTER Research Infrastructure (RI) and improving the data/information shared among the LTER network. https://docs.ropensci.org/ReLTER/
4. PhenoApp: a tool integrated into a set of tools (GeeLTERMap) that allows to provide an easy mapping interface from which we can visualize, analyze, download and validate Phenology metrics for any eLTER site. https://slides.com/diegogarciadiaz/deck-735fe5
5. Cookie cutting: A tool to harmonise official statistics and other data to eLTER site boundaries.
More information on tools and the agenda will soon be available at eLTER website.
Costs: The workshop is free of charge and eLTER PLUS will cover the lunches. Participants are expected to organize and pay for their travels and accommodation.
Application: If you are interested in participating this workshop, please fill the following questionnaire. The deadline for submission is Nov. 13th 2022:
Participant selection: The workshop venue allows for a maximum of 25 participants. If there are more applications, participants will be selected based on:
· criteria 1: connection to eLTER sites and platforms
· criteria 2: experience in spatial analysis
· criteria 3: willingness to provide in situ data