Influencia del tamaño de bellota y del régimen de riego en la calidad de planta de alcornoque cultivada en vivero

TitleInfluencia del tamaño de bellota y del régimen de riego en la calidad de planta de alcornoque cultivada en vivero
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsM. Mínguez, P., Cañellas I., & Bachiller A.
Conference NameII Congreso Forestal Español
Date Published1997///
Keywordsacorn size, irrigation, Quercus suber, seedling quality

The effect of three acorn sizes (small, medium and large, 2.5, 5 and 8.8 g mean fresh weight, respectively) and two irrigation regimes (Rl=2R2) in the growth of cork oak containerized (Forest Pot 300) seedlings was studied. The seedlings were grown in the nursery for one year.The results showed the influence of the acorn size on caliper, root volume, shoot, root and acorn dry weights, leaf area, leaf weight ratio (L WR), leaf area ratio (LAR), midday water potential and transpiration. Irrigation was statistically significant for height and totalleaf area. Water potential reached less than -2 MPa in July. This fact reveals the adaptation of the species to drought.