Cork and metals: a review

TitleCork and metals: a review
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
Authorsda Ponte-e-Sousa, J. Carlos a C., Neto-Vaz A. Manuel, da Ponte-e-Sousa J. Carlos a d, & Neto-Vaz A. Manuel
JournalWood Science and Technology
Pagination183 - 202
Date Published2009///
Keywordsash content, cork (voyant), metals, mineral elements

All published results available regarding ash content and 21 chemical elements were chronologically compiled. The evolution of analytical methodologies, the rising interest in the knowledge of certain elements at a certain time, and the relation between concentrations and time, are among the gathered information within a period of 221 years, starting with the first published study from the year 1787. Rather than establish a correlation between the inorganic content of cork and its quality, the aim of this data collection is to remove all doubts regarding what is already known on the inorganic content of cork.