Crepidotus eucalyptinus and Simocybe haustellaris: two uncommon species found in Central Spain

TitleCrepidotus eucalyptinus and Simocybe haustellaris: two uncommon species found in Central Spain
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsBandala, V. M., Montoya L., & Esteve-Raventos F.
Pagination369 - 384
Date Published2008///
KeywordsCrepidotaceae; taxonomy; wood-inhabiting fungi

Crepidotus eucalyptinus and Simocybe haustellaris were collectedtogether from a Quercus ilex subsp. ballota forest in Central Spain
(Guadalajara Province). Collections of both species are described and
their taxonomically distinctive microscopic characters are illustrated.
The superficial similarity between these two brown-spored taxa is
discussed as well as the taxonomic status of the former within
Crepidotus and the close affinity of the species with Naucoria
decolorata from Morocco and Spain.