Research Publications

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Bonal, R., Espelta J. Maria, & Vogler A. P. (2011).  Complex selection on life-history traits and the maintenance of variation in exaggerated rostrum length in acorn weevils.. Oecologia. 167(4), 1053 - 1061.
Bragança, H., Rigling D., Diogo E., Capelo J., Phillips A., & Tenreiro R. (2011).  Cryphonectria naterciae: a new species in the Cryphonectria-Endothia complex and diagnostic molecular markers based on microsatellite-primed PCR.. Fungal biology. 115(9), 852 - 861.
Yilmaz, A., Uslu E., & M Babac T. (2011).  Cytogenetic studies on Quercus L. (Fagaceae) species belonging to Ilex and Cerris section in Turkey. CARYOLOGIA. 64, 297-301.
Ribeiro, T., Loureiro J., Santos C., & Morais-Cecílio L. (2011).  Evolution of rDNA FISH patterns in the Fagaceae. Tree Genetics & Genomes. 7, 1113-1122.
Piredda, R., Simeone M. C., Attimonelli M., BELLAROSA R., & Schirone B. (2011).  Prospects of barcoding the Italian wild dendroflora: oaks reveal severe limitations to tracking species identity.. Molecular ecology resources. 11, 72-83.
Galván, J. Valero, Valledor L., Cerrillo R. M. Navarro, Pelegrín E. Gil, & Jorrín-Novo J. V. (2011).  Studies of variability in Holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota [Desf.] Samp.) through acorn protein profile analysis.. Journal of proteomics. 74, 1244-1255.
Baldantoni, D., Fagnano M., & Alfani A. (2011).  Tropospheric ozone effects on chemical composition and decomposition rate of Quercus ilex L. leaves.. The Science of the total environment. 409, 979-984.
Olivella, M. À., Jové P., & Oliveras A. (2011).  The use of cork waste as a biosorbent for persistent organic pollutants–Study of adsorption/desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. 46(8), 824 - 832.
Espelta, J. Maria, Cortes P., Molowny-Horas R., & Retana J. (2009).  Acorn crop size and pre-dispersal predation determine inter-specific differences in the recruitment of co-occurring oaks.. Oecologia. 161(3), 559 - 68.
Fernandes, A., Fernandes I., Cruz L. Luís, Mateus N., Cabral M., & de Freitas V. (2009).  Antioxidant and Biological Properties of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds from Quercus suber L.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 57(23), 11154 - 11160.
Fernandes, A., Fernandes I., Cruz L. Luís, Mateus N., Cabral M., & de Freitas V. (2009).  Antioxidant and Biological Properties of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds from Quercus suber L.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 57, 11154-11160.
Peguero-Pina, J. Javier, Sancho-Knapik D., Morales F., Flexas J., & Gil-Pelegrín E. (2009).  Differential photosynthetic performance and photoprotection mechanisms of three Mediterranean evergreen oaks under severe drought stress. FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY. 36, 453-462.
Alvarez, R., Alvarez J. M., Humara J. M., Revilla A., & Ordás R. J. (2009).  Genetic transformation of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) for herbicide resistance.. Biotechnology letters. 31, 1477-83.
Alvarez, R., Alvarez J. M., Humara J. M., Revilla A., & Ordás R. J. (2009).  Genetic transformation of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) for herbicide resistance.. Biotechnology letters. 31(9), 1477 - 83.
CARBONERO, M. D., GARCÍA-MORENO A., Calzado C., & FERNÁNDEZ-REBOLLO P. (2009).  La productividad de bellota en la dehesa y su relación con parámetros meteorológicos. (Reiné, R., Barrantes O., Broca A., & Ferrer C., Ed.).Actas de la XLVIII RC de la SEEP. Huesca La multifuncionalidad de los pastos: producción ganadera sostenible y gestión de los ecosistemas. 597-603.
CARBONERO, M. D., GARCÍA-MORENO A., Calzado C., & FERNÁNDEZ-REBOLLO P. (2009).  La productividad de bellota en la dehesa y su relación con parámetros meteorológicos. (Reiné, R., Barrantes O., Broca A., & Ferrer C., Ed.).Actas de la XLVIII RC de la SEEP. Huesca La multifuncionalidad de los pastos: producción ganadera sostenible y gestión de los ecosistemas. 597 - 603.
Grote, R., LAVOIR ANNE-VIOLETTE., Rambal S., Staudt M., Zimmer I., & Schnitzler J-P. (2009).  Modelling the drought impact on monoterpene fluxes from an evergreen Mediterranean forest canopy.. Oecologia. 160, 213-223.
Both, H., & Brüggemann W. (2009).  Photosynthesis studies on European evergreen and deciduous oaks grown under Central European climate conditions. I: a case study of leaf development and seasonal variation of photosynthetic capacity in Quercus robur (L.), Q. ilex (L.) and their semidecidu. Trees. 23(5), 1081 - 1090.
Brüggemann, W., Bergmann M., Nierbauer K-U., Pflug E., Schmidt C., & Weber D. (2009).  Photosynthesis studies on European evergreen and deciduous oaks grown under Central European climate conditions: II. Photoinhibitory and light-independent violaxanthin deepoxidation and downregulation of photosystem II in evergreen, winter-acclimated Euro. Trees. 23, 1091-1100.
Both, H., & Brüggemann W. (2009).  Photosynthesis studies on European evergreen and deciduous oaks grown under Central European climate conditions. I: a case study of leaf development and seasonal variation of photosynthetic capacity in Quercus robur (L.), Q. ilex (L.) and their semidecidu. Trees. 23, 1081-1090.
Brüggemann, W., Bergmann M., Nierbauer K-U., Pflug E., Schmidt C., & Weber D. (2009).  Photosynthesis studies on European evergreen and deciduous oaks grown under Central European climate conditions: II. Photoinhibitory and light-independent violaxanthin deepoxidation and downregulation of photosystem II in evergreen, winter-acclimated Euro. Trees. 23(5), 1091 - 1100.
Gimeno, T. E., Pías B., Lemos-Filho J. P., & Valladares F. (2009).  Plasticity and stress tolerance override local adaptation in the responses of Mediterranean holm oak seedlings to drought and cold. Tree Physiology. 29, 87-98.
