Dynamics of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) coppices after clearcutting in southern France

TitleDynamics of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) coppices after clearcutting in southern France
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsFloret, C., Galan M. J., Floc'h E., & Romane F.
JournalPlant Ecology
Pagination97 - 105
Date Published1992///
KeywordsLife cycles, Mediterranean climate, vegetation succession

Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) forest is one of the most widespread biocoenoses in the southern part of France. Until recently, clearcutting of wood for domestic use was carried out every 20 years or so in these coppice stands. In order to study coppice stand dynamics after cutting this paper presents results of observations of some items describing the vegetation structure, the floral composition, and the life cycles in a holm oak coppice stand during a six year period after clearcutting. One of the questions addressed in this study was whether these coppice stands reach a 'steady' state based on auto-succession, or if they continue to change. The results of the floristic changes after cutting suggest that the model of auto-succession best fits with the vegetation dynamics, even if changes in the density and life cycles of herbaceous species still exist six years after clearcutting.
