Remarques sur les chênaies d'Yeuse de l'Apennin méridional et de la Sicile

TitleRemarques sur les chênaies d'Yeuse de l'Apennin méridional et de la Sicile
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1969
AuthorsGentile, S.
JournalPlant Ecology
KeywordsChênaies, Querco-Teucrietum siculi (voyant), Quercus ilex

On the basis of the observations and the records presented, it is remarked that in the Southern Apennines and in Sicily the forests of Quercus ilex are prevalently localised in the altimetrical band included between 65oP7oo and 9oo--95 o m. But the greater exten- sion is rejoined in the band from 8o0 and 95 ° m. This limitation above and especially below those levels is to be considered actual and caused only by man. The examination of the flowering records permits the arrange- ment of the forests of Quercus ilex of the Southern Apennines and Sicily in a new association: the Querco-Teucrietum siculi, that here seems the only representative also of the Quercion ilicis. It borders upon the associations of the Oleo-Ceratonion in the lower part and upon those of the Quercion pubescenti- petraeae in the higher part and often immediately with those of the F a gi o n. The elements of the physical environment of the present and potential surfaces of the association are distinguished in geologi- cal-pedologicals and climatics. The substratum pedogenetic is very variable therefore it doesn't seem determinant for the normal development of the Qu e r c o- T e u c r ie t u m sicu li. The factors of the climate result instead determinant. At the lowest levels the limit is formed by the temperatures too high and the excessive drought. At the highest levels the limitant element is especially formed by the high atmospherical dampness, especially in the form of fogs. It is said that the association finds favourable conditions where the index of DE MARTONNE is included between 25 and 35, or little more. The geographical area of the association for the moment is not sufficiently delineated. The dynamic series also connected with it are yet little determined. The outline of the soil can be considered of type A/C. The charac- teristics of the horizons lead to think that they are types of "brown Mediterranean soil of the xerophitic forest". The Querco-Teucrietum siculi, on the basis of ecological characteristics of the environment, can be considered intermediate between the Quercetum ilicis galloprovinciale (replaced from the associations of the Oleo-Ceratonion) and the Querce- turn mediterraneo-montanum, that, much probably, are lacking in the Southern Apennines.