Adaptive strategy at the leaf level of Arbutus unedo L. to cope with Mediterranean climate

TitleAdaptive strategy at the leaf level of Arbutus unedo L. to cope with Mediterranean climate
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsGratani, L., & Ghia E.
JournalFlora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of …
KeywordsGas exchange, leaf area, leaf inclination, leaf lamina thickness, leaf-life span, sclerophylly

The adaptive strategy of Arbutus unedo L. under Mediterranean climate seemed to be due to the high leaf area (LA = 11.1 ± 0.1 cm2 ) increasing the potential capacity of light interception, the high leaf lamina thickness (L = 395 ± 10 µm) increasing the potential capacity for gas exchange, and the steeper leaf inclination at midday (α up to 63.9 ± 0.3°) determining 48% of reduction of incident radiation on a sloping leaf surface (RI), which could be a prevention mechanism against the potential photoinhibition of water-stressed leaves during drought. Nevertheless, during the drought period the photosynthetic activity and the water use efficiency (WUE) of A. unedo were strongly reduced (≥ than 50% of the maximum). Principal component analysis (PCA) underlined the higher similarity of A. unedo and Quercus ilex L. from a physiological point of view (photosynthetic rates PN , transpiration rates E, stomatal conductance gs , sub-stomatal CO2 concentration Ci ) and for leaf inclination, and with Cistus incanus L. from a phenological (leaf-life span) and structural point of view (specific leaf area SLA and leaf tissue density LTD), for leaf temperature (Tl ) and for leaf water status (leaf water potential at midday Ψmin and relative water content RWC). Therefore A. unedo might be considered in the borderline between drought semi-deciduous species and evergreen sclerophyllous species.