Identificação e Quantificação por DAD-HPLC, da Fracção Fenólica Contida em Folhas de Quercus suber L.

TitleIdentificação e Quantificação por DAD-HPLC, da Fracção Fenólica Contida em Folhas de Quercus suber L.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsEvaristo, I. Maria, & Leitão M. Cecília
JournalSilva Lusitana
ISBN Number0870-6352 UL -
Keywordsavoir un rôle important, caffeic acid, car ces, catechin, dans la présente étude, défense des, des feuilles de chêne, détermination des composés phénoliques, ferulic acid, gallic acid, liège, méthode analytique pour la, on a developpé une, p-coumaric acid, Quercus Suber L, résumé, substances sont susceptibles d, sur les mécanismes de

In this study, an analytical method has been developed for the determination of phenolic compounds since they are related with disease and pests plant resistance mechanisms. The components of the hydrolysed extract (gallic acid, ellagic acid, catechin, epicatechin, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid) have been resolved and identified by DAD-HPLC based on their retention times and spectral data. For quantifications, the external standard method was used.