Algunas consideraciones sobre la explotación de la dehesa extremeña, su problemática y posibles soluciones

TitleAlgunas consideraciones sobre la explotación de la dehesa extremeña, su problemática y posibles soluciones
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1980
AuthorsE Pardo, de. Muslera, & E Guzmán C.
KeywordsDehesa, ganado, manejo (voyant), pastoreo, pastos

The dehesa is the most characteristic type of extensive livestock farm in the S.W. of Spain. The past and present productive situation of these farms are described in this paper. New demand trends in the last years require a great change in the structure of their different activities of animal production. For their development an ordenated plan of invest- ments is necessary, requiring also a long term financing. Methods of clearing and pasture improvement are emphasised as the better way to increase carrying capacity. Is concluded about the need of farm improvement as a whole, and the possible solutions to develop the dehesa área, through livestock development programs.